At the Yoshida Katsumi Laboratory, we focus on improving reliability, properties and functionality based on microstructural control at the nano, micro and macro level. we are also developing advanced ceramic materials for application in harsh environments in the fields of aerospace, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, energy and environment fields. We are also working on the development of engineering ceramics and process development with an eye on issues such as carbon neutrality, low environmental impact, energy conservation and resource conservation.

Keywords: Severe-environment resistant materials, Ceramic-based composites, High performance porous ceramics, Nuclear and fusion reactor materials, Engineering ceramics, Microstructure control, Ceramic processing

Dec. 2024 Lab Group Photo

Inroduction video of Yoshida Lab at Tokyo Tech Official YouTube channel


Prof. Yoshida was introduced in "Tokyo Tech Research Map" of the Tokyo Tech Research pamphlet 2021-2022

Click here to view

Institute of Science Tokyo
Lab. for Zero-Carbon Energy
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

Katsumi Yoshida Lab

N1-28, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152-8550 Japan

TEL +81-3-5734-2960
FAX +81-3-5734-2960

We accept lab tour anytime!!
Please feel free to contact and visit us!
Contact e-mail:
k-yoshida (AT MARK)

*please change (AT MARK) to @ when you send e-mail.