

We went on a one-day lab trip to Oshino-Hakkai.

Dr. Nutt, a graduate of the doctoral program in 2014, visited.

Degrees were conferred to Ms.Ariel, a doctoral student, Mr.Kanagawa, Mr,Narita, Mr.Homma, Mr.Murata, master course students, and Mr.Setogawa, a bachelor course student. Congratulations!

September 2023 Degrees were conferred on master and bachelor students.

March 2023 Degrees were conferred on master students.

March 2022  Degrees were conferred on master students and bachelor students.

September 2021  Degrees were conferred on master student Mr. Wu.

March 2021  Degrees were conferred on doctoral student Mr. Fajar,
master student Mr. Akatsu, Mr. Tamura, Mr.Miyashita, Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Ariel,
bachelor student Mr. Kawano, and Mr. Yamamoto.

March 2020  Degrees were conferred on doctoral student Mr. Ashizawa, Ms. Golf.

March 2020  Degrees were conferred on master student Ms. Kasakura, Mr. Yoshida, and bachelor student Mr. Sugizaki, Mr. Nakane.

Feb. 2020  Alumni Mr. Tsunoura recieved 2019 Seiichi Tejima Research Award (Doctoral Dissertation Award).

Oct. 2019 7 members of Yoshida Lab attended The 13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM 13) in Okinawa, Japan.


Sep. 2019 Farewell party for Mr. Muzakkiy Akhir of M2 was held.

Mar. 2019 Farewell party for graduates of 2018: Mr. Tsunoura of D3, Mr. Akutsu, Mr. Tahara and Mr. Toike of M2, was held.


Mar. 2019 Mr. Yoshida of M1 did his poster presentation at 2019 annual meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan in Shijuku Campus of Kogakuin University.


Oct. 2018 Lab group photo


Sep. 2018 Mr. Lio and Mr. Hou at the commencement ceremony. Happy graduation!




Aug. 2018 Farewell party for Ariel was held.

Aug. 2018 Joshua done a poster presentation as the final report of the summer program.


Aug. 2018 Farewell party of Joshua was held.


June 2018 Welcome party of Mr. Joshua Emory from University of Wisconsin-Madison as a summer program student was held.


Mar. 2018 Farewell party of Prof. Yano, Mr. You of D3 and Mr. Shirata of M2 was held.


Mar. 2018 Final lecture of Prof. Yano was held.


Mar. 2018 Mr. Shirata of M2 received the Excellent Student Award and Kakuyukai Award in the commencement ceremony of graduate major in nuclear engineering.

Jan. 2018 Research fellow Dr. Maki received Good Presentation Award in the World Young Fellow Meeting 2018 of the 56th Ceramic Basic Science Symposium held by the Ceramic Society of Japan.

Dec. 2017 Prof. Gubarevich received 2017 research grant from Okura Kazuchika Memorial Foundation.

Nov. 2017 Lab group photo was taken in front of Hon-Kan (Main Bldg.) at Tokyo Tech.



Institute of Science Tokyo
Lab. for Zero-Carbon Energy
Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering

Katsumi Yoshida Lab

N1-28, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku,Tokyo 152-8550 Japan

TEL +81-3-5734-2960
FAX +81-3-5734-2960

Lab tour accepted anytime !!
Please feel free to contact and visit us !
Contact e-mail:
k-yoshida (AT MARK) zc.iir.isct.ac.jp

*please change (AT MARK) to @ when you send e-mail.