May. 13 2024
Introduction article of Yoshida Lab. titled gFrom Nuclear reactor research facility to Lab. for Zero-Carbon Energy: History and Present of Katsumi Yoshida Lab.h has been published in the Journal of the Inorganic Materials Society by an alumni association of faculty, staff and former students of the Inorganic Materials Engineering Laboratory of the Tokyo Tech.
Apr. 24 2024
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited lecture titled "Ceramic matrix compositesiCMCjas severe-environment resistant materialsh at the 227th regular meeting and the 255th new ceramics social meeting in The Society of Sensing Technology of Japan held in Osaka.
Apr. 11 2024
gCorrosion behavior of Al4SiC4/SiC ceramics exposed to molten calcium-magnesium-alumino-silicate at 1350‹C in airh by Atsuko Tanaka, Anna Gubarevich, Toshiyuki Nishimura, Katsumi Yoshida has been published in the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.

Apr. 3 2024
We are glad to welcome new master students Ms. Takakura and Ms. Yamaguchi to join us.
Mar. 26 2024
Mr.Murata, a second-year master's student, received the Outstanding Student Award for Completing the Master's Program in the Nuclear Engineering Course in March 2024. Congratulations!
Mar. 26 2024
Degrees were conferred to Ms.Ariel, a doctoral student, Mr.Kanagawa, Mr,Narita, Mr.Homma, Mr.Murata, master course students, and Mr.Setogawa, a bachelor course student. Congratulations! photo
Mar. 14-16 2024
At the Ceramic Society of Japan 2024 Annual Meeting held at Kumamoto University, Prof. Yoshida, Prof. Anna, and D3 student Takizawa gave oral presentaions.
Feb. 21 2024
We are glad to welcome B3 student Mr.Kitauchi as our new members.
Feb. 20 2024
B4 students Mr.Setogawa gave a Bachelor's specific research project presentation.
Feb. 14 2024
M2 students Mr.Kanagawa, Mr.Narita, Mr.Homma, and Mr.Murata gave Master's thesis presentation.
Jan. 17 2024
"Mechanical properties of SiCf/SiC composites with h-BN interphase formed by the electrophoretic deposition method" by Katsumi Yoshida, Mayuko Kasakura, Anna Gubarevich, Masaki Kotani has been published in the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.
Jan. 9 2024
"Rapid synthesis of high-yield Ti3AlC2 MAX phase powders from TiC0.67 and Al with induction heating assistance" by Anna Gubarevich, Kenshin Miura, Katsumi Yoshida has been published in the International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.
Jan. 8 2024
Introducing a novel approach to boron carbide synthesis. Gubarevich, A.V.; Yoshida, K. Fast Synthesis of Fine Boron Carbide Powders Using Electromagnetic Induction Synthesis Method. Powders 2024, 3, 17-27.
Dec. 1 2023
"Powder Forming Process -Fundamentals and Applications of Ceramics Forming Process-" has been published with Professor Yoshida's explanation in a special article titled "Essentials of Study for Ceramics (1): From Sample Synthesis to Forming and Sintering General Remarks of Ceramics Processing" in the December issue of Bulletin of the Ceramic Society of Japan published by the Ceramics Association of Japan
Oct. 31 2023
Professor George Franks from the University of Melbourne visited our laboratory and gave a seminar on "3D Printing Hierarchical Porous Ceramics".photo
Oct. 1 2023
We are glad to welcome B3 student Mr. Nakano as our new members.
Sep. 22 2023
Mr.Chen Pengfei (Tsinghua University) came to Japan for participating in the Tokyo Tech-Tsinghua University Graduate School Joint Program, and will spend one year conducting master's thesis research at Yoshida Lab.
Sep. 22 2023
Degrees were conferred to Mr. Kawai and Mr. Alin. Ms.Alin also received the Outstanding Student Award. Congratulations! Mr.Kawai will proceed to the master's course, and Ms.Alin will proceed to the doctoral course. photo
Sep. 6`8 2023
At the 36th Autumn Symposium of Japan Ceramics Association held at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Prof. Anna gave a poster presentation, and D3 students Ms.Tanaka and Ms.Ariel gave oral presentations. Prof. Yoshida served as the organizer of the special session, Advanced Science in Engineering Ceramics - New Developments in Structural/Interface Control and Analysis Technology.
Sep. 5 2023
We have succeeded in fast pressureless densification of boron carbide.
Anna V. Gubarevich, Gen Homma, Katsumi Yoshida, Boron carbide with improved mechanical properties fabricated via rapid pressureless densification with electromagnetic induction assistance,
Scripta Materialia, Volume 238, 2024, 115731, ISSN 1359-6462,
(Free access to the article before October 25, 2023)
Aug. 27`31 2023
Prof.Yoshida gave an invited lacture, Prof. Anna gave oral and poster presentation, and D3 student Ms. Tanaka gave oral presentation at 11th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites (HT-CMC11) held in Jeju, Korea. In addition, Prof. Yoshida served as the leading organizer and International Scientific Committee member of Session 4 gInnovative Design, Advanced Processing and Manufacturing Technologies in Non-oxide and Oxide Compositesh. Moreover, Prof. Anna won the Best Poster Award. congratulations!
Aug. 24`25 2023
Daigaku Mihon Ichi Japan 2023 ("University Trade Fair Innovation Japan 2023") was held at Tokyo Big Sight from August 24 to 25, 2023. Assistant Professor Anna and M2 Kanagawa exhibited "Adsorption technology to protect precision instruments from siloxane contamination". Many companies visited us and we had a lot of fruitful discussions.
Aug. 2 2023
M2 student Ms.Alin gave Master's thesis presentation, and B4 student Mr.Kawai gave a Bachelor's specific research project presentation
Aug. 1 2023
An article titled "Trends and prospects of ceramics composite research and development" co-authored by Prof. Yoshida was published in Engineering Materials summer 2023.
Jun. 19`23 2023
Prof.Yoshida gave an invited lacture, and D3 student Ms. Tanaka gave oral presentation at International Symposium on Inorganic and Environmental Materials (ISIEM2023) held in Montpellier, France.
Jun. 13 2023
A research paper titled "Application of Adsorbents to Space Use for Prevention of Molecular Contamination," authored by Riyo Yamanaka (JAXA), Anna Gubarevich, and Katsumi Yoshida was published in the Journal of Evolving Space Activities. This study addresses the crucial issue of molecular contamination on spacecraft and proposes an innovative solution through the use of adsorbents.
Jun. 9 2023
Prof.Yoshida's research paper titled gFormation of Carbon Interphase on Low Electric Conductive SiC Fibers for SiCf/SiC Composites by Electrophoretic Deposition Process and Their Mechanical Propertiesh was accepted by Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan
May. 26 2023
A paper by A. Gubarevich, R. Tamura, and K. Yoshida was accepted for publication in Ceramics International. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2023.04.236
May. 24 2023
Prof. Yoshida gave oral presentations at The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) held in Kyoto
Apr. 3 2023
We are glad to welcome new master student Mr. Kubo, Mr. Sawaki, Mr. Sueda and Mr. Hirano to join us.
Mar. 27 2023
Degrees were conferred on master student Mr. Kondo, Mr. Miura and Mr. Yamamoto. Congratulations! photo
Mar. 8`10 2023
M1 student Mr. Homma, D1 student Mr. Sakakibara, D2 student Ms. Ariel and Prof. Gubarevich gave presentations at The Ceramic Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2023 held in Kanagawa.
Feb. 21 2023
We are glad to welcome B3 student Mr. Setogawa as our new member.
Jan. 10`12 2023
Porf. Yoshida, D3 student Mr. Takizawa, D2 student Ms. Tanaka, Ms. Ariel and M2 student Ms. Alin gave oral presentations at International Symposium on Zero-Carbon Energy Systems (IZES) held in Tokyo Tech.
Dec. 13`17 2022
D2 student Ms. Ariel and D1 student Ms. Sakakibara attended the 2nd Energy & Informatics International Forum held in Hawaii. Ms. Ariel received the Best Collaboration Award of the student workshop. Congradulations!
Dec. 5`9 2022
D2 student Ms. Ariel attended the AY2022 Tokyo Tech Academy for Convergence of Materials and Informatics (TAC-MI) International Forum held at Makuhari.
Nov. 6`10 2022
Porf. Yoshida and D2 student Ms. Tanaka gave oral presentations at ICM&P 2022 International Conference on Materials & Processing 2022 held at Okinawa.
Oct. 21 2022
The paper of D2 student Ms. Ariel was accepted by Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Oct. 1 2022
We are glad to welcome B3 student Mr. Kaiwai to join as our new member.
Sep. 14`16 2022
Porf. Yoshida, Prof. Gubarevich, D2 student Ms. Ariel, Ms. Tanaka, M2 student Mr. Miura and M1 student Mr. Homma gave oral presentations at The 35th Fall Meeting of The Ceramic Society of Japan held hybridly at Tokushima.
Sep. 1 2022
We are glad to welcome Mr. Fuhai Bao from Nagoya University to join our lab for his 4 month internship.
May 30 2022
The research of D2 Ms. Ariel was introduced in the YCN (Young Ceramists Network) Newsletter 13 of The European Ceramic Society.
Apr. 1 2022
We are glad to welcome Mr. Kanagawa and Mr. Narita joined as new members of master student.
Mar. 28 2022
Degrees were conferred on master student Mr. Sakakibara, Mr. Sugisaki, Mr. Nakane, bachelor student Mr. Homma, and Mr. Murata. Congratulations! photo
Mar. 14 2022
The paper of Mr. Maki, who was our post-doctoral researcher and now a assisant professor in Okayama University of Science, was accepted by the Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies.
Mar. 10`12 2022
M1 student Mr. Miura, M2 student Mr. Sakakibara, D1 student Ms. Ariel and Ms. Tanaka gave presentation at The Ceramic Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2022 held online.
Jan. 8`9 2022
M1 student Mr. Miura, D1 student Ms. Ariel, Ms. Tanaka gave oral presentations at The 60th Symposium on Basic Science of Ceramics held at Kumamoto University, Japan.
Dec. 9`10 2021
D1 student Ms. Ariel was awarded Practicality Award as a group at 2021 Intelligent Services: A Social Perspective workshop held by Tokyo Tech Academy for Convergence of Materials and Informatics (TAC-MI). Congratulations! Tokyo Tech News
Nov. 19 2021
M1 student Mr. Yamamoto gave poster presentation at 42nd International symposium on Dry Process (DPS2021) held online.
Nov. 4 2021
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited speech at Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Ceramic Matrix Composites (at Korean Ceramic Society 2021 Fall Meetingj held hybridly.
Sep. 30 2021
We are glad to welcome Ms. Alin Hancharoen joined as a new member of master student.
Sep. 24 2021
Degrees were conferred on Master student Mr. Wu. Congratulations! photo
Sep. 1`3 2021
Prof. Yoshida, D1 Mr. Takizawa and M2 Mr. Sakakibara, Mr. Wu gave oral presentation at The 34th Fall Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan held in virtual.
Aug. 17 2021
The paper of Mr. Ashizawa, who graduated from doctoral course in September 2020, was accepted by the International Journal of Appiled Ceramic Technology.
Aug. 6 2021
D1 Ms. Ariel was awarded Great Presentation Award at The 12th Multidisciplinary International Student Workshop (MISW 2021) held on Aug. 5 to Aug. 6. Congratulations!
July 6 2021
Prof. Gubarevich, D1 Ms. Ariel and M2 Mr. Sakakibara, Mr. Wu gave oral presentation at The 12th International Conference on Scicence and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-12) held in virtual.
July 1 2021
We are glad to welcome Ms. Ruozuan Li from Nagoya University to join our lab for her 4 month internship.
June 1 2021
The Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy was reorganized to form the new Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy on June 1, 2021.
Apr. 25`30 2021
Prof. Yoshida and D1 Mr. Takizawa presented invited speech, Prof. Gubarevich, D1 Ms. Ariel and M2 Mr. Sakakibara gave poster presentation at the 8th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC8) held in virtual.
Mr. Sakakibara was awarded the Best Poster Award. Congratulations! photo
Apr. 1 2021
Doctoral student Ms. Tanaka, master student Mr. Kondo, Mr. Miura, bachelor student Mr. Homma, and Mr. Murata joined as new members.
Mar. 25`26 2021
Degrees were conferred on doctoral student Mr. Fajar, Master student Mr. Akatsu, Mr. Tamura, Mr. Miyashita, Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Ariel, bachelor student Mr. Kawano, and Mr. Yamamoto. Congratulations! photo
Mar. 23`25 2021
Ms. Ariel, Mr. Akatsu, Mr. Sugizaki, Mr. Sakakibara, and Mr. Yamamoto gave presentation at The Ceramic Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2021 held in virtual.
Mar. 5 2021
Pro. Yoshida was introduced in "Tokyo Tech Research Map" of the Tokyo Tech Research pamphlet 2021-2022.
Feb. 8`12 2021
M2 student Mr. Miyashita and Ms. Ariel gave oral presentation at The 45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composities (ICACC 2021) held in virtual.
Oct. 30 2020
The paper of Mr. Ashizawa, who graduated from doctoral course in September, was accepted by the Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan.
Sep. 30 2020
Doctoral student Mr. Takizawa joined as new members.
Sep. 25 2020
Degrees were conferred on doctoral student Mr. Ashizawa, Ms. Golf. Congratulations! photo
April 23 2020
Dotoral student Mr. Ashizawa's paper "Microstructure and plasma corrosion behavior of yttria coatings prepared by aerosol deposition method" was accepted by the Journal of the American Ceramic Society.
April 1 2020
Master student Mr. Sakakibara, bachelor student Mr. Kawano and Mr. Yamamoto joined as new members.
March 26 2020
Degrees were conferred on master student Ms. Kasakura, Mr. Yoshida, and bachelor student Mr. Sugizaki, Mr. Nakane. Congratulations! photo
Feb. 27 2020
Congratulations to our alumni Mr. Tsunoura for receiving 2019 Seiichi Tejima Research Award (Doctoral Dissertation Award)! photo
Jan. 26`31 2020
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited speech at The 44th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composities (ICACC 2020) held in Daytona Beach, FL, USA.
Nov. 22 2019
The English version of our webpage was uploaded.